Please contribute! We love collaboration.

Bugs and Feature requests

Submit an issue on the issues page

Code contributions

I would prefer some discussion before an unsolicited code contribution, i.e., pull request.

This ensures that your effort is not wasted and that we’re aligned on how to improve the hkdatasets package.

This is especially true if your proposed contribution does not match a currently open issue.

If that’s the case, please open new issue(s) to have the discussion there, prior to submitting code.

If your proposed contribution addresses multiple issues, it should ideally be broken into multiple pull requests. This will make it easier for me to review and approve.

How to contribute (IF you are not already a collaborator)

  1. Fork this repo to your Github account
  2. Clone your version on your account down to your machine from your account, e.g,. git clone
  3. Make sure to track progress upstream (i.e., on our version of hkdatasets at Hong-Kong-Districts-Info/hkdatasets) by doing git remote add upstream Before making changes, make sure to pull changes in from upstream by doing either git fetch upstream then merge later or git pull upstream to fetch and merge in one step
  4. Make your changes (bonus points for making changes on a new feature branch)
  5. Push up to your account
  6. Submit a pull request to the master branch at Hong-Kong-Districts-Info/hkdatasets.git

How to add a dataset

  1. Open the RProj file, and ensure that your current working directory is set to the directory of the package repository.
  2. Read the dataset you’d like to add into your current environment, and make any data cleaning or manipulations necessary. We would recommend you to save any processing scripts in .dev/script and any raw data in .dev/data.
  3. Once you are happy to add the dataset to the package, run usethis::use_data(), passing the unquoted object to save in the argument. If this runs successfully, a .rda file should be set up in the package repository. You will be asked to document your dataset. If you are unsure how to do this, please refer to
  4. Add a R file in the R directory with the same name as your dataset. Use one of the existing R files as a template for the documentation.
  5. Once you are happy with everything, run roxygen2::roxygenise(). This will create the documentation files and notify you of any errors.
  6. Run devtools::check(). This will run R CMD checks to ensure that the package can be built properly.
  7. You can run devtools::install() to install the package on your local machine. You can also commit your changes and push to the repository once you are happy.

Prefer to discuss over email?

Please email .

Thanks for contributing!